Productive Sunday.

Don’t know what got into me today, but I decided that my studio needed an overhaul. It’s not like the chaos has been slowing me down, but the mess on the floor was just getting out of hand! I had the forethought to take a pic before I started my cleaning today. Check it out…


It took me most of the day to get it looking like this…


I am so excited!! I am just itching to get in there tomorrow and get scrappy!

Oh yeah…did I mention…it’s Spring Break this week! No school for the boys. We’re going to try to get out and do some fun stuff. The boys’ friend Logan is going to be spending most of the week with us while his mom is at work. I think we’ll go to the zoo, and possibly the museum, and definitely get out in the yard and run around. Hopefully I’ll still be this chipper on Friday…

8 thoughts on “Productive Sunday.

  1. I wish I had an office– I’d even settle for the “before” condition. Sigh.

    I can’t double mine up without risking bloodshed (or crossing gender barriers), so I’ll have to live without.

    On the upside, Christyn did that to my office at work this weekend– WEEE HOOO!

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