The Return of "Normalcy"

yeah….is there any such thing as “normal”?? We got back from vacation a week ago. We were gone for two weeks. And before that, our summer had been filled with movies and theater days and library days and Water World days and swim lessons. Between never being home and being exhausted when I *am* home…my poor blog has been neglected. I am so sorry to my faithful readers. Which brings up another point…I didn’t know I had *so many* faithful readers!! LOL! You know… could drop me a little comment every once in a while…You know who you are…. *wink*

So….vacation was fun, for the most part… I’ll try to recap a day at a time. I’ll hit the highlights and leave out those things that still give me a little heartburn.

Day 1–7/25/07–Mostly a travel day. We had to get up and out of the house by 5:00. So of course we left at 5:30. oy. We realized that this was really a little too late when we were almost sprinting to the plane. The boys got brand new transformer toys to play with on the plane. It seemed to keep them occupied along with the plane headphones and coloring books. Benji made friends with the older couple sitting next to him. Wade took a nap sitting in the row behind us and I negotiated all bathroom breaks and drink spills. We landed in Atlanta and met Grandma and Grandpa in the Atrium for lunch and to hand off the boys. While Wade and I were waiting to get on our plane to Ft. Lauderdale, I found out that my mom came through her surgery without any incident and that she was recovering well. I was much more at ease for the remainder of the day. The flight to Florida was short and easy and we found a shuttle to our h/motel for the night. The place we were staying had a restaurant where Wade and I had dinner. I think that it was owned and operated by a family…and only two members of the family were there working. The service was really slow, but not having the boys with us made it a little easier. Not having the boys…. Kind of bittersweet. I did miss them a little. I do have to say, though…it was really nice to have some couple time with Wade. A fantastic way to celebrate 10 years together. ****Day 2 coming tomorrow! Stay tuned!!

And now comes the sharing portion of our post. heehee. I thought that since I gave Holly her wedding album while we were in Georgia, I would share it with you page by page! Here is the opening page…

Thought this one really made an “opening page” statement. *wink*

And finally…Pictures of my new sweet nephew. Liam Riley made his debut on July 26th. He is so squishy and totally kissable. Just look at those cheeks!!!

Mr. Man with his eyes open…

Sleeping in the swing…

Aren’t baby yawns the cutest things *ever*?!?!?!

I don’t know what those hands are about, but I thought this pic was too cute!

That’s all for now. Hopefully Wade can help me keep on track with the posts. School is starting in less than two weeks. That should help with getting us all back on schedule!

One thought on “The Return of "Normalcy"

  1. Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Believe me, there is no such thing as NORMALCY.
    I’m glad you are all back home safely. Grandparents
    and great grandparents are grateful for our time with the “guys”. It was definitely a great experience as you can tell from our stories and our laughter. Please don’t be too hard on the guys for stories told or things they said. Remember, we won’t believe everything they said about you if you take the same approach about what they say about their time with us.
    Seriously, Tyler, Avery & Benji are great little boys!
    They are so good together while maintaining their individuality. You & Wade have done a great job,
    so far……and it shows.
    Love always,
    Dad AKA “Poppy”
    Kelly AKA “Ki-Ki”

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