Although I might jump. LOL! No, really it’s not that bad. Just a little hectic. Now that Wednesday is almost here, life should slow WAY down. Let’s go back to Friday, shall we??
Bunco was great!! The food was a hit! I spent most of the day preparing and the rest of the night partying. I had a blast! And I ended up winning $20…even better!
Saturday I spent most of the day being *miserable*. I taught class in the morning, but came home and spent the rest of the daylight hours on the couch with a horrible cold. We still went to game night that night, but with me feeling not so good. All I wanted to do was sleep. bleh
Sunday, I rested some more because Wade and I were going out for a date for my birthday. We spent a little bit of the date doing a little more shopping for the holidays. Then we got some dinner at Panera and went to see “The Holiday.” Cute movie even if it was a predictable romantic comedy. I needed something lighthearted anyway. Came home and CRASHED! The whole weekend wore me out!
Monday….MY BIRTHDAY! Yes, now I am the big 33. LOL!! Took the boys to the science museum. One of our favorite places in Denver. We stayed almost until time for swim lessons. After lessons, got home for dinner and bedtime. Oh the excitement…. (sarcasm if you didn’t know…)
That brings us to today. I did a little scrapbooking and socializing with a few friends and had the “me” time that I couldn’t get yesterday. It was lovely. And I am looking forward to getting in bed and sleeping for a very long time. I just wish the boys understood sleeping in during winter break… One day I know I’ll be complaining about just the opposite, but for now, it would be so nice to sleep until about 9. *sigh*
I do have pictures *and* a scrapbook page to show you today!! The pictures are of the boys at pre-school on Thursday. They both had their parties and Santa came to visit each class. The boys were so grown up and told Santa exactly what they wanted for Christmas.
Here is another digital page that I did for my birthday…Â I did do a traditional paper page with this same picture. I’ll try to remember to share that with you tomorrow and you can see how that one came out quite different.
We were totally on the same wavelength Sunday since I saw The Holiday as well. Jude Law won me over, especially with those girls.
happy bday to you cutie!!! LOVE that layout of you – you are lookin’ FABULOUS!!!
Stumbled on your site from google. I love your scrapbook page and what a couple of gorgeous boys! You have some great photos…good luck with your company!
Quick note to say “we love you!”
Happy 33rd Birthday!
Love always,