I'm going to do it. (a.k.a. Scrapbook therapy rocks my world.)

After creating my pages for Wendy’s circle journal, I did some soul searching. I dug deep. I’ve wanted for a while to start my own photography ‘business’. Besides dancing, photography is one of those things that seems to come somewhat easily to me. Don’t get me wrong…I still have *so* much to learn. But it’s fun. I love taking pictures! So much so that my kids get tired of me in their faces with my camera. I need new subjects! But that’s where that scared little girl would chime in and say “why would anyone want me to take their pictures?? Most people have their own cameras. They can take pictures of their own. On top of that, why would anyone *pay* me to take their pictures. It’s so much cheaper to take film to Walmart and have it developed.” Yes, that is an actual conversation going on in my head. (On a side note…Wade is so funny. I was sitting on the couch with him today…my thoughts churning as usual. He said that he can tell when my brain is churning…he can *hear* it! LOL!) Here’s where the soul searching came in… I decided to tell that scared little girl to shut up. I need to do this. I need take pictures and express my creativity. I need to branch out. And I took some steps to make this more of a reality. I went and bought some fabric to use as backdrops. I talked to a friend of mine who is pregnant with twins, and she is going to let me do a little photo shoot when they are born. I’m going to start working on the website. (Wade already put a little preliminary site up for me, but I’m going to rework it. Jazz it up with some fun colors and graphics and stuff.) I’m going to work on a logo and business cards and a contract and a pricing sheet. I’m going to buy an external flash for my camera. I’m going to get serious about this. That scared little girl is going to grow up, and fast. And that, my friends, is what scrapbooking does for me. It saves me thousands in therapy and makes me a happier person.

In other news…Tyler’s last t-ball game was today. And that brings me to my picture of the day! A little action shot…

My scrapbook page for the day I actually did a couple of weeks ago and I keep forgetting to post it! Sherry (one of my fabulous Chicago buddies) gave us a ‘kit’ of goodies and challenged us to use them for a page.  This style is *so* way out of my box, but I did it for Sherry! I used a picture of the eight of us in Chicago, and journaled about how special these ladies are to me. Thank you, girls. *smooches*

5 thoughts on “I'm going to do it. (a.k.a. Scrapbook therapy rocks my world.)

  1. 1. You can so do it! I just read a magazine article about living your dreams. You are going to be awesome!

    2. Love the page, I’ve yet to use Sherry’s kit, maybe I need to make a point of that next weekend.

    3. Could you send me that picture? I never did get a group shot.

  2. You know you have one big photo op coming up to use in your portfolio of pictures. Feel free to take as many as you like.

    Love you little soon to be married sister. 🙂

  3. Heather,
    I love all these “captured moments of time” that will never take place again. Like snowflakes, there will be similar ones, but no two are the same.
    Go for it! You have the eye and the talent.
    Love always,

  4. I know you can do it. Everyone wanted to know what studio, I had those pictures made in, of the boys and me, and the ones of you and me. They wouldn’t believe me when I told them where they were made.
    Love you, honey. Behind you 100%!

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