Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!?!?

Just had to get that out of my system. I love Tyler’s birthday because it always signals the start of football pre-season. Did I ever tell you all that he was born on the day of the Broncos first pre-season game for 1999? He’s my little football buddy. heehee.

Today was a quiet day at my house. We started out the day with a little photo shoot with the boys. We were going to do the whole family, but we couldn’t find coordinating outfits that were all clean. oy. Got a few good shots, but they were all just a little too antsy for me. All they wanted to do was get out in the pool. So we put the pool out. Between playing in our pool and in the neighbor girl’s pool and playing out front in the courtyard, the boys stayed outside for about 6 hours today. Bedtime was quick and easy tonight.

There was one cute shot from this morning. Here are my boys…horsing around, as usual.

Today was another card making day. I made a few each of these to have in my stash…


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!

2 thoughts on “Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!?!?

  1. that is just the cutest picture! i’m leaving right now to go see the house. I’m going to be out there all day but hopefully I’ll have some good stories to tell later!

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