
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my role as Mommy. Tyler’s been having a few behavior problems at school and at home, and it’s been making my brain churn. Tyler is by no means an angel. But he’s not a “bad” kid, either. In my opinion, much of his acting out is a cry for attention. Our weeks are filled with go, go, go…and not enough sitting together and playing and laughing and generally having fun as a family. I realized that my kids don’t see enough of this…
I spend so much of my time yelling about this or that and generally being unhappy about how the day is progressing. I don’t like it. I want my kids to think about mommy with a smile on her face. Yesterday was day one of my transformation. I didn’t yell…and I felt good. Today is day two….I will smile today.

17 thoughts on “11-2-05

  1. love the entry. you are so right. I do the same thing with my kids, worry too much about what’s not getting done and I’m not smiling enough. I tell my husband I’m going to be one of those scary old women with the permanent frown.

    great photo!

  2. I know the feeling (as my girls are out playing in the dirt right now, filling buckets at that and I want to go yell at them to stop b/c I will have to clean up the aftermath, but I am not going to now!)- What a great picture to remember your promise by!

  3. This makes my heart SMILE! I have watched you grow over the past (thirty something) years and you have always made me smile with pride.
    Keep smiling!
    Love you.

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