Picture withdrawals.

I’m having them myself. I did take some last night….and they are still in the camera. We spent today rearranging the furniture to make room for our tree. We got the tree up and that’s as far as the decorating got. We decided that the computer needed to be moved upstairs to my studio, so the rest of the day was spent making a place for the desk up here and moving furniture around in the living room. Exciting. I know. lol. So, after I teach class in the morning, we will do some tree trimming and hopefully I will get to upload some pictures from the camera. Does anybody know where I can buy an extra 4 hours to add to my day??? I could really use them.

Oh…and could you keep my mom and Nanny in your thoughts….My great grandmother (you can see her in the five generations picture from Holly’s wedding) had a stroke on Wednesday. She’s hanging on, but barely. She has lived such a long and full life, but I know it will be hard on those who love her so much to see her go. I am so thankful for the years that I spent with her…

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