The "catch up" post. (LOTS of pics)

First of all, I need to give props to my oldest. He made the A-B honor roll this year. Yay!! I’m so proud of him. Here he is with his certificate (and his hair just the way he likes it)…

Wade wanted me to take this pic. One of our new roses. The coral color starts out like this (on the left). It quickly fades to the color on the right, though. LOVE this color…

The boys got a great summer package from Grandma and Grandpa a week or so ago. In it was this cool glow in the dark ocean puzzle. It’s nice to have them work on something together and actually get along. *wink*

The remainder of the pictures are from our camping trip this past Father’s Day weekend. We had amazing weather (read: no rain). Here are all the boys packed in the car with all the rest of our stuff. Luckily we only had a one hour drive to the campsite.

Dinner for the boys on the first night. Daddy is a whiz with our new camp stove!

Daddy stoking the fire. It gets pretty chilly up there at night.

Our boys plus one around the campfire. (L-R: Logan, Avery, Tyler, Benji all blurry because he wouldn’t sit still)

My favorite fire pic. I took quite a few…

On Saturday, Wade and Jon took the boys on a little hike. (I hurt my foot early last week and was taking it easy. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.) Here is the view from the trail…

The boys on the trail. Avery is always posing….

The only picture of Mommy on this camping trip. I took my sewing and kept my feet up. I’ll give you three guesses who took this picture. The oldest two guesses don’t count… *wink*

S’MORES!!! Here are pics of the boys roasting their marshmallows and enjoying their gooey goodness.





And finally…Benji personifying how all of us felt at the end of Saturday. Poor guy fell asleep in front of the fire before it was even dark.

If you made it this far, congratulations! haha! And thanks for listening to my rambling. Hopefully I’ll be back sooner rather than later. Off to Jazzercise!

7 thoughts on “The "catch up" post. (LOTS of pics)

  1. It looks like you guys had a great time! We were campin gon Saturday night and I thought of you all. I am so glad that you shared all those wonderful pictures, I always make it to the end of the post:)
    Congratulations to Tyler on Honor Roll!

  2. It looks like you guys had a great time! We were camping on Saturday night and I thought of you all. I am so glad that you shared all those wonderful pictures, I always make it to the end of the post:)
    Congratulations to Tyler on Honor Roll!
    Fixing a typo:)

  3. Good morning. I really enjoyed reading the blog this morning and the pictures put a smile on my face!!! Tell Tyler his hair rocks. (smile)

  4. Congratulations Tyler!!!!!!!! Great job!!!!!!!!
    Glad ya’ll made it back in one piece.
    EXCELLENT PHOTOS, ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. I don’t know if you will be able to see it tonight but the moon is supposed to be really big in the sky. It has something to do with the pending “soltice”.

    Love always,

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