A new friend and snacks.

So, I grilled Wade a little more about the sock hop. He had text messaged me during the dance and told me that Avery was leading his own conga line. That in itself made me laugh… a lot. Then Wade described the dance that Avery was doing. He said it was a combination of the John Travolta Pulp Fiction dance and MC Hammer’s Can’t Touch This. You do the math. LOL!!!

This morning I took Benji to Build-a-Bear Workshop to spend some of his birthday money. He’s been waiting so patiently since Avery got to do the same thing with his birthday money four months ago. I of course took along the camera to document him making a new friend.

We had visited Build-a-Bear online and had seen the dinos. He liked the Triceratops online and luckily they had them at the store.


Benji got to step on the pedal that shoots the stuffing into his new friend. It was a little loud, though. He had to cover his ears.


Benji picked a red gingham heart to put in his new friend. After rubbing it on his head (to give his friend brains) and rubbing it on his heart (to give his friend love) and making a big wish, he put the heart into his new friend.


Next step is to give the little guy a “bath.” Benji gave the little guy a good scrubbing.


After a little discussion with Mommy, Benji came up with the name Three for his triceratops friend.


Benji then picked out some clothes and shoes for Three. I think he did a wonderful job with his new friend!


(hang in there…I seem to have a lot to say tonight. *wink*)

We came home from picking Tyler up today and the boys got their afternoon snack. I looked over and Benji was having snack with his arm wrapped around Three. Sadly, by the time I got back with the camera, his snack was gone, but I snapped this pick anyway…


Tyler was not a happy camper this afternoon…his snack of choice…shortbread cookies, eaten while doing homework.


Avery chose to have popcorn while reading. He brought home two installments of the Spiderwick Chronicles. He finished one of the books today. (Yes folks, he is six.)


And last, but not least, my creativity for the day. I made this page almost entirely on the phone with my sister today. Ask her, she’ll tell you. This is my grandmother, my nephew and my brother. (My nephew belongs to my sister, not my brother. Had to clarify, or my brother would probably have my head.)


And that is all for my mammoth post tonight. It’s bedtime. Yawn.

6 thoughts on “A new friend and snacks.

  1. Am I in the Bat Cave? I like the new look, your amazing pictures look even better with the black background. Looks like you are doing a great job juggling three boys and all of their different tastes, I think that I shall nominate you, Princess Slice, for the Mom of the Month Award. Now plan you acceptance speech! Seriously, you have wonderful boys and do a great job raising them, they were all so nice when they came to the store, and suspiciously well trained when asked to smile;)

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