
Last week I had none. My chores were being neglected. The blog was being neglected. But I was so busy doing so many other things I just couldn’t get here. I should be getting my set together for this weeks classes right now, so this will be short and sweet. I promised pictures of Tyler’s bug play.

The play was more like a parade of bugs at a microphone, but what do you expect from 75 second graders. *wink* It was really cute and really funny. All bugs that weren’t at the microphone were up on the risers waiting for their turn. They sang quite a few songs and there were a couple of dance numbers. Totally cute!!

Ok…here’s the boy in his costume. This is the back of his caterpillar. It’s made out of a body pillow and pillow case. I got this picture as they were all getting in place on the risers.

I can’t tell if he is singing or yawning here. LOL!

Here is Tyler waiting for his turn at the microphone. (Don’t know how I got him looking straight at the camera…)

Tyler’s turn!!

Off to do some work!

2 thoughts on “Discipline

  1. Heather,
    It wasn’t that long ago @ the family reunion in Warm Springs when we were trying to get Tyler to pronounce
    “caterpillar” and he tried with “cap-pee-loo”.
    Children grow up fast and then they perpetuate the memories by giving us “grandchildren”. Enjoy these times and continue to catch those moments in photos.
    They will definitely appreciate it later in life if not now. I know we enjoy whatever you send our way.
    Great costume – Great photos!
    Love always,

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