My great-grandmother is a fighter! We always knew that anyway. The doctor is amazed at the turnaround. He even said that he couldn’t deny that she might even *walk* out of the hospital. It is incredible!! Thanks for keeping my family in your thoughts!
My photography website is LIVE!!!! Wooooohooooo!!! Check it out at . Wade and I are working hard to add more pictures to it right now, but we wanted to get the main site and info out there asap! Check it out and let me know what you think! (Please don’t hesitate to give a little constructive criticism if I need it. I’m a big girl. I can handle it. *wink*) I’ve got a few clients that are willing to let me use their pictures, but I’m waiting for my legal department (aka Wade) to finalize my model release before I can put any people up there that are not family.
And one more thing…I have to put this out there… My children are fish. They take swim lessons twice a week and it is totally the highlight for all of them. Today I looked over to see Benji being released by his instructor to do his backfloat all by himself. He floated there for about 15 seconds by himself. I believe that he would have floated more, but his instructor swept him up to the side of the pool so the other kids could have a turn. LOL! I will have to remember to take my camera to the pool on Wednesday. It’s just so funny to see them do such grown up things!
I’m off to bed! See you tomorrow!
I like the site. Really. I’m so glad this is happening for you. I remember just a few months ago you were just beginning all this and now it’s real. Way to live your dream!!!!!
All I can say is WOW! “HEATHER HARRELL PHOTOGRAPHY” WILL BE A GREAT SUCCESS, I JUST KNOW IT! I am excited about the passion you have for this and I am looking forward to seeing your work.
Good luck & “break a lens”
Love always,
Hi Heather,
The web site looks great!
Clean, crisp, simple, and easily navigable.
Best Wishes on your new business venture!
Your website looks fantastic! Can’t wait to see you soon and hear more about how things are going!
Heather!!!!!!!!!! Your site is awesome!!! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to see your galleries as they come up!!!!