Date night and family pictures.

First of all, date night was wonderful. We only went out to dinner, but it was nice to have some time alone together. Family pictures this weekend….not as enjoyable. My first idea didn’t work out as well as I wanted. I might try it again with a few adjustments, but we won’t be able to do that for a few weeks. My second idea yielded the outtake that I will show you tonight. Our third idea got axed when the weather did not cooperate today. Idea number four might have given us a usable picture, but I *really* would like a better picture. We’ll see… So, here’s our best outtake. I threatened Wade that I would just use this one. The two of us look fabulous. And the boys look like themselves. LOL!

Oh! And I did do a scrapbook page this weekend. One for my journaling challenge that goes up tomorrow. We were supposed to randomly choose a word from the dictionary and scrap with it. I cheated a little and let choose a random word for me. I realized that I had the perfect pictures for it! (I added the word and it’s definition at the bottom of my page…)

Journaling reads…(inside Benji’s head) Look! Look! It’s a robot dance, Mommy! See, you do this with your arms. You do this with your bottom. You wiggle around a little. Wait, let me make my robot dancing face. Oh no…Mommy’s got the camera! I better run!

Gambol \GAM-buhl\, intransitive verb
1. To dance and skip about in play; to frolic
noun 1. A skipping or leaping about in frolic

Tomorrow is a crazy day. I hope that I have enough energy to blog tomorrow night….

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