I'm going to try something this month…

I’m going to try to blog every day. Ok…I hear you….stop laughing. haha I know. I kind of stink at updates. But I am going to *try* to do this. I want to try to take pictures every day and post one for you. I want to try to post a scrapbook layout a day, too. (I mostly scrapbook for the art of it, but what is art if nobody else sees it? heehee) So…instead of trying to ‘catch up’ with everything that is going on these days, I am just going to jump right in.

For my picture(s) today, I worked on the photography lesson from last week. It focused on focal length and depth of field. I photographed the same thing using the same exact settings on the camera and keeping the camera at a fixed distance from my subject. These three pictures were taken with my 28-135mm lens. I used the focal lengths of 28mm, 50mm, and 100mm.

Now for the scrapbook page. I did this one on Sunday. The inspiration just hit me and I got this done in less than an hour and a half. I love this picture of the two of us. And I love how this turned out.

Thanks for reading today! I’ll be back tomorrow! (And if I’m not…come hunt me down.)

4 thoughts on “I'm going to try something this month…

  1. Great pictures and scrapbook pages. I am going to try and send you some more pictures of Madison. Feel free to scrapbook her as much as you would like.
    I love you and miss you….
    and need you to do my wedding programs.

    Like how I snuck that in there 🙂

  2. No wonder you have GOOD LOOKING boys!
    Look @ the two of you.
    The photo of you & Wade is a great look.
    You are really good @ this.
    That photo would make a great portrait.
    You know, paint to canvas.
    I’ve seen on the internet where a photograph can be transferred to canvas, brush strokes & all.


  3. Hey Honey,

    Keep learning, so you can teach me.
    That goes for scrapping, too. I’ve gotten so far as to put my pictures in photo boxes! LOL

    Love you. Give all the boys a kiss and hug from me!

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