Update and round #2 of the circle journal.

First the update! Not too much interesting going on these days. Avery and Benji are done with preschool for the year. Tyler gave a great presentation on Ireland in his class last week. (I’ll post pics of all of that sometime this week… ) Tyler’s last day of school is June 8th, and he is really looking forward to the summer. HA! Aren’t we all?!?! We have all three boys signed up for swim lessons and T-ball for the summer. So, if you can’t find us at home, don’t hesitate to call the cell. 😉
Ok. Second order of business. The first journal in our circle to come to me came from my dear friend Steph. Her journal theme is “I am…” It is truly a beautiful journal. And so thought provoking. When I got her journal, I had so many ideas running through my head. And then, Thursday night I was driving home from class and listening to one of my favorite bands, the Indigo Girls. Their song “Closer to Fine” came on and I knew what I was going to do for Steph’s journal. I am just so pleased with how it came out. Steph, THANK YOU so much for letting me be a part of your journal!!! (The last pic is of the tag that goes behind the picture of me. It has the lyrics to the IG song that inspired me. )

6 thoughts on “Update and round #2 of the circle journal.

  1. Oh my holy heck, Heather!!!!! That is soooooo perfect!!! And what a gorgeous picture of you!!! I am so excited that it’s in my journal, my friend!!! Love you to pieces! =)

  2. I totally there with you! I think hearing that it is ok to be a work in progress really hit me when I first read it a year ago. I needed to know it’s ok to not be perfect, but to be perfectly me. 🙂

  3. Heather,
    “PERFECT” is an expectation you have of yourself.
    Attaining “PERFECTION” is a state of flawlessness and maturity. You are close enough – that’s FINE!
    Love always,

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