Benji the former preschooler…

First things first… I have to plug my friend Mary Kay’s awesome scrapbook store and the fun things that are going on there this weekend. If you live in the Denver area, check out this blog post for something fun to do on Saturday.

And now, on to my big boy news. Yesterday was Benji’s last day of preschool. *sniff, sniff* The kids practiced for weeks to put on a program for all of us parents. The kids are cute, the songs are cute…it’s an overdose of cuteness! First on the agenda… a rousing rendition of Five Little Speckled Frogs (how did they know?!?!?) complete with hand puppets!

The kids did a couple of other songs (Preschool Chatter–about what they do every day at preschool and Old MacDonald had a Farm–with sign language for the animals) and ended the musical segment with the Rainbow Pokey. Benji came home one day and told me all the colors of the rainbow in order! Apparently he learned it from this song. Gotta love it! You put the green in, you put the green out, you put the green in, and you shake it all about!

And then…the interview segment of the program. Throughout the last few weeks, the teachers have been interviewing the kiddos individually. The questions include things like: your favorite color, your favorite food, what do mommy and daddy do for work, what do you want to be when you grow up. While the teacher reads the interview, the child gets to have a sucker and a special button that says “Moving on up.” Here is Benji with his teacher “Miss Kathy”…getting his button…and listening to his interview…

Benji LOVES his button. He is so proud of the fact that he is no longer a preschooler. He wore his button for the remainder of the day. And *then* he put the button on his jammies and slept with it. When he changed into his clothes today…you guessed it…he put it on his shirt. He is *so* ready for kindergarten to start! Here is my little man in his jammies with his button…

5 thoughts on “Benji the former preschooler…

  1. So cute!!!! Congrads Benji! Sounds like you are ready for kindergarten!

    Heather- so if he runs around in his underwear, will he put the button on them? =)

  2. That is so many kinds of adorable I can’t count them all! I have to say, though, sadness about Soph’s last days in “Pretty K” haven’t hit me yet. We have two graduations the week before Memorial Day, though– maybe it’ll get me then.

    Or maybe not. Because next year she’ll be in kindergarten and they’ll all be in the same school for FIVE YEARS. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was looking forward to THAT!

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