A random kind of day.

Not too much to report. I spent a little time with some girlfriends this morning. Always nice to do that. Wish I could have stayed longer. Took Avery to the park for a playdate with some friends. It was a little windy and a little cold, but the boys didn’t notice at all. I took some pics, but they all have the other little boys in them and I don’t want to post pics of other people’s children without permission.

Snapped this pic while at a stop light (*wink* Holly) yesterday on the way to Archivers. (are you getting tired of my mountain commute pictures yet?)

I’m going to be sad when the snow disappears….

The boys finished up their science fair project tonight. (They did a joint/family project.) The fair is on Wednesday and since our Tuesday is always a mess I thought it might be a good idea to get it done today. The experiment did not go so well, but the boys are troopers and are presenting their results as they happened. I’m proud of my little scientists. Here’s a pic of their board…

Ok, so I just realized that I owe Emily a layout for her journaling challenge tomorrow. I think I better head up to my room and get started on that! Good night all!

4 thoughts on “A random kind of day.

  1. isn’t the colorado sky amazing? people just don’t realize how blue it is, and how often it’s blue. and our clouds are like the clouds that kids draw, puffy and white. love colorado vistas. thanks for that shot.

  2. I love all your mountain shots, they are completely different than the views further south! Good job to the boys, sometimes it’s not about the experiment but about what they learn while doing it, sounds like you did a great job teaching them that!

  3. The board looks great! Sorry that it didn’t go well. You didn’t think that the would have enough time. Maybe they can keep the project going, if they are still interested. I know my kids are DONE when they finish up =).

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