We have begun…

but before that…I just have to share with you the hat I knitted….


Is that the cutest hat ever?!?!?! I gave it to Robin. She looked so happy in it! I have also made one for myself with some wool yarn that I picked up in South Dakota. I haven’t had a chance to take a picture of it yet. It’s supposed to be cold later this week, so I’ll try to snap a pic then!

So…Sunday was our anniversary. 12 years of wedded bliss. Every day that I wake up next to Wade, I am so grateful for that day 12 years ago. Easily the best thing I’ve ever done. In celebration of our anniversary, we decided to begin our home improvement adventure. We spent the afternoon on Saturday looking at paint chips, cabinet hardware and back splash tile (yeah, he loves me that much). Sunday, the work began.

Of course, I had to snap a few ‘before’ pictures. Here is the tour…








Here is Wade sanding down the cabinet bases. I just told him that nobody is going to believe that I helped with any of this home improvement stuff because there is no photographic evidence. lol!


all the doors off…


and the drop cloth taped to the ceiling…it did help keep a lot of dust out of the living room.


he’s so handy with the vacuum.




we got all the bases sanded and primed. Wade did a little bit of sanding on the cabinet doors, and that is as far as we got. We are keeping our fingers crossed for some warmer weather so we can finish sanding and priming the doors. More to come soon!


Today…I moved on to the hallway upstairs. There is still a huge mess up there, but it is done. I forgot to take a before pic, but it was the same color as the walls in the stair well in this picture. Hopefully in the next couple of days the walls in the stair well will be the same color as the hallway. *wink* It looks so *fresh* up there!!


Alright…there’s the beginning of our home improvement story! Stay tuned…

5 thoughts on “We have begun…

  1. Happy Anniversary to you both! A little over 12 years ago a young man pulled into our driveway,came to the door and asked if he could speak with me. We stepped outside and he asked for permission to marry Heather. I could tell he meant what he said and that he loved you very much and he obviously does. He is very much a part of our family now. And 12 years and 3 grandsons later our love for you grows more each & every year.
    Love always,

  2. Happy 12th Anniversary!
    You two have accomplished amazing things in 12 short years, and we are so happy for you.

    Kitchen’s Lookin’ Good!
    Can’t wait to see the finished job, and the Big Reveal. 😉

    Grandpa & Grandma

  3. dang, your dad’s comment made me all teary eyed.

    you weren’t kidding when you said you were neck high in home improvements. we’ve TALKED about doing that to our kitchen. that’s as far as it’s made it. will have to discuss when you are done.

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