Game night.

We hosted game night tonight. Wade and I have two other couples that we hang out with. We rotate houses and responsibilities for food, drinks, and dessert. We have been doing this for over a year, and it is so much fun! And it reminds me of my childhood. I remember going to the Smith’s and eating yummy homemade french bread pizzas and playing with their kids while the grown-ups played cards. Now, I am the grown-up. And what is even more crazy…we sometimes even play the same card game that my parents played. It’s my favorite card game EVER! We’ve also played games like Life, Clue, Apples to Apples, Guesstures, Hearts, Spades….I know there are more, but I just can’t think of them. Can’t wait until our next game night…

It is cold here. Just thought you should know.

A little bit of bummer news…none of my pages got picked up for this last call I submitted to. BUT…that means I can share them with you now! Here they are….

These pics are from our camping trip earlier in the summer. The boys first fishing experience ever!

This is just a little one about Benji and how he’s growing up so fast.

And the last is about Tyler and how much he is like me it’s scary. Love that boy.

Sorry, no pics today. I was going to take some at the ice cream shop today, but I forgot my camera. Tomorrow…I promise! Have a great weekend all!

4 thoughts on “Game night.

  1. Hey….I remember those yummy pizzas! Those were the days!! Your pages are great….I would have voted for them. I am getting great ideas from you! Thanks for sharing.

    Love ya,

  2. Hey, honey. Great as ever, I don’t know why they didn’t get picked. Definitely the best card game, ever. Give everyone a hug and kiss from Nana. Love you.

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