I need to go to bed soon.

I’m getting up early for a little race through Boulder, but I had to put some pictures up from our day today! We finally got to take our Mother’s Day trip to the Denver Botanic Gardens. It was an amazing day (until the tornado sirens went off…but that’s another story).

We really needed a new family picture for our picture wall and the boys cooperated for the most part.


I also wanted some pics of the boys with me. Wade was sweet enough to endure my endless instructions and got some really wonderful shots. Here’s my Avery…


It’s rare to get a smile out of Tyler, and for that reason and many more, I love this shot…


Benji just puts up with me. hahaha He’s such a stinker.


There was a more posed shot of the boys earlier in the day, but this one just speaks to me. These are my boys…


Tyler took this picture. My little apprentice.


And my favorite shot of the day… (there is a dino exhibit at the gardens and this guy was extremely inspiring…lol)


Good night all! Be back tomorrow with fun and excitement from Boulder.

4 thoughts on “I need to go to bed soon.

  1. These are really great photos! Not a bad one in the bunch. The guys all look so grown up. And either Tyler has a talent for photography to or you gave him excellent instruction. Probably both apply.
    *See you all soon.

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