
Last Sunday Wade looked at me and said, “I am of the opinion that our children need haircuts.” Oh really. I said, “Well, I guess it’s a good thing that I already have haircuts scheduled for them on Wednesday.”

Avery will have to forgive me. I totally forgot about pictures until he was done. In all fairness though, his haircut is exactly the same, just shorter.

Benji, on the other hand, looked like some ragamuffin child off the street. His hair was almost as long as Tyler’s in the back. When I asked him how he wanted his hair cut, he said…”I want it short on top but stayed long in the back.” (direct quote there) A MULLET?!?!? Uh. No. When you move out on your own, you can cut your hair how you want. While I’m paying, there will be no mullets. Here’s my little stinker before…


And here he is now…I just love this boy with a bowl cut. Wade thinks this picture is a predictor of the trouble we are going to be in very soon…


Are you ready for the really dramatic change. Oh yeah. Tyler got his hair CUT. We’ve been struggling with him taking care of his long hair. He seemed to only want to comb the front third. The back side of his head constantly looked like a rooster made a nest in it. Here he is in the chair…


You should have seen the pile of hair on the floor after our stylist got done with these two. I thought she was never going to stop cutting on Tyler’s head. When she finally did, this is what he had left…


and from the front…


He’s so happy with it. He thinks he looks like some character from Guitar Hero. I’m just glad the whole thing went down without tears.

10 thoughts on “Haircuts

  1. I would just like to say that this post had me cracking up laughing to the point that people at work were concerned for my sanity! Love you guys (haircuts and all) and miss you terribly.


  2. Nana thinks everyone looks wonderful!!!
    I think Wade is right about Benji, should have made his middle name trouble.
    And I agree with Kiki, about Tyler. That haircut really ROCKS!!!
    Love you all.

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