A very happy Mother's Day

I am very happy to report that Tyler was feeling much better today. Thank goodness!

So, the boys (including Wade) let me sleep in this morning while they made breakfast. Tyler and Avery came upstairs to let me know breakfast was ready and to wish me a happy Mother’s Day. I came downstairs to a hand-drawn card from the boys (that daddy helped with) and breakfast ready. Gotta love that! (For Mother’s Day I had asked for my registration in the Bolder Boulder road race on Memorial Day. I got that taken care of on Friday.) After breakfast I hung out on the couch and did some sewing while the boys played and Wade got a picnic ready. A few hours and quick shower later, and we were on our way to the Denver Botanic Gardens for a Mother’s Day outing. When we got there, we found out that they have spiced up Mother’s Day quite a bit since we were last there for the holiday two years ago. They had some musicians for entertainment and vendors with all kinds of yummy goodies to tempt us with. It was nice to see so many people out enjoying the gardens, although it did make it interesting to try and take a good picture. Having three boys contributes to the difficulty as well… lol! Wade did manage to snap this pic, which I love…

And then we had to take a ‘silly’ pic…

And *then* I got the idea to re-create the picture from this scrapbook page…(the photos on this page were taken 4 years ago)

This is what we got…

I guess “next year” turned into “four years later.” Can somebody convince the boys that they don’t have to grow up so fast…

After the Gardens we came home and had a little Wii time. Guess what?!?!??!?! I SAVED THE PRINCESS!!!!!! I can’t believe it!!! I will be a Mother’s Day that will go down in infamy. *grin* I did this all while Wade was making shrimp and crab for dinner. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!! The perfect ending to a fantastic day. I think the only thing that could make it better would be a foot rub….*hint*hint*Wade*hint*hint*

How was your Mother’s Day??

5 thoughts on “A very happy Mother's Day

  1. Neat gardens shot four years later. I’ve made a companion magnet for the fridge. Now we have a “before” and “4 years later.” Maybe you can keep repeating this every four years until the boys are adults.

  2. That sounds like a perfectly lovely Mothers’ Day.

    I notice that Wade was featured in the story cooking and preparing meals, not once but THREE times.

    We ate out. For breakfast and dinner– lunch was popcorn at the movies. 😛

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