I realized this morning…

I forgot to blog last night! My day of nothing turned into Jazzercise and running back and forth to the school because I forgot to send a note with Avery for him to go home with a friend for a playdate. After school, I took the boys up to the orchard to see if the play area had opened back up (it had not) and we walked around and got a treat. And then I got sucked into playing Super Mario Galaxy (I’m *this* close to saving the princess) and Guitar Hero (yes, I’m still on Easy, but I am almost ready to move on to medium). THEN I realized that I had not packed for a crop that I am going to tonight. I have a full morning of Jazzercise today and I *needed* to pack last night. I was not as successful at packing for my crop as I would have hoped. This is all I have packed so far…

After all that, I was drained and almost literally crawled into bed and fell asleep. Oy. Now I am off to teach this morning. I’ll check you all on Sunday!

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