Grey's Anatomy is back!


I just realized that I have *nothing* on my calendar for tomorrow. It is a very strange feeling. Of course I have my regular chores, but Friday is a light chore day. So, I am going to be ‘free’ for most of the day. Crazy. I’m not sure that I can do nothing. I’ll have to see if I can find something for me to do and try not to get into trouble. *wink*

Hope you all have a nice Friday, too!

6 thoughts on “Grey's Anatomy is back!

  1. happy friday, happy weekend! i’ve been up since 3am – ARGH. i hope to get in a nap today? not likely, this is the LAST push for all the boxes to be done, we move tomorrow – double ARGH! hugs, rach

  2. I love nothing days. mine turned into a nothing day because mr D still has his cold so we just stayed home. I finally had the worst case of cabin fever by 2pm, we went to the park. took photos of our shadows 🙂

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