It dawned on me this morning that it was November. Ugh. How did that happen?
I meant to blog on Thursday when everyone had a snow day, but the day totally got away from me. So now Holly is bugging me for pictures…geesh! (you know I love ya, right sis? heehee) I thought I’d put a few up from Avery’s birthday and Halloween. (hang on to your hats…)
On October 18th, this little boy turned 8.
We took the boys and a few of Avery’s friends to Elitch Gardens (amusement park) for the day. It was beautiful! Almost 90 degrees in October! The park was decked out for Halloween, so all of the ponds were filled with ‘blood’.
Benji was the only boy who wanted to ride with me on the tilt-a-whirl.
Benji on the kiddie bumper cars…I wouldn’t want to bump into him, that’s for sure! LOL!
The Dragonwing ride taken from our spot in line.
Avery in the seat behind me.
The view from the Dragonwing at the top.
In line for the Twister 2 (old wooden coaster). Benji did not want to ride. (I didn’t have permission from the other parents to post the whole pic…so it’s just Logan, Tyler, and Avery in this one…) The Twister was our last ride of the day. All of the kids had a great time! (and parents, too.)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnndddddddddddd….here are the costumes! All four hand made. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.
My three Musketeers. (I love these boys so much!!)
Tyler!! (He wanted to look serious.)
At the school for Trunk-or-Treat.
After Trunk-or-Treat…the candy trade…
And then I had dinner with these characters….
And now the time change has completely kicked my butt. I’m off to bed. Goodnight!