Hey everyone! School is really kicking my behind this quarter. As a matter of fact, I have to go in today (on my day off) and work on projects. Good news…only three more weeks. Then it’s spring break!! A week off then back to the grind.
I’m trying out something new with this post. Video! (Everybody’s doing it…) Wade got me the Canon 5D Mark II for Valentine’s Day and it takes amazing videos…really, I’ve seen them on the internet! We tried it out a little to see if we could put something together, and after three days I finally got a final product. Hopefully the next round will go a little more smoothly.
Disclaimers… Please ignore the mechanical clicking…that’s the camera motor. We got an external mic to try out for the next go around. Please ignore the children in their jammies…I couldn’t wait for the daytime to try out the video stuff. Please ignore my weird facial tics…why didn’t somebody tell me I do that?!?!?!