was in the school district art show! We are so proud of him!! His class made buffalo hide Native American drawings in art, and Tyler’s got chosen for the art show. Here is our proud boy…
and a close up of his art…
I meant to post some more home improvement pics on Sunday, but I got side tracked. We had quite an eventful weekend! Here is a picture of my pantry… It is significant because when we moved in, there were only 4 shelves. About a year ago, Wade put in the topmost shelf, and on Sunday he installed the bottom shelf. I love my pantry. And I can’t stop telling my husband how much I love it.
Our *big* project was finishing up the backsplash. Wade starting the grout… (rolling his eyes at me again. LOL!)
So messy! Like playing with mud but with a much prettier outcome. haha
A wide shot after we got the outlet covers on and the stuff back on the counters. And check it out!! We actually got two doors back up on the cabinets!!
A little close-up of the backsplash. I love it so much! (and just a little reminder…the green walls are going. We’ve got a pretty blue picked out and will get started on painting soon!)
In other news…So You Think You Can Dance starts tonight. My life is complete again. *wink*