I took a break…

from the internet this weekend. After the stress of last week, I just needed some time to gather myself and have a weekend of hard labor to work things through. *wink* Wade and I have been working on the house again this weekend. We are *this close* to being done. The baseboards are in. They need to be caulked and touched up with paint, but they are in. Eleven days. We have eleven days before out of town company comes in…we’ll have it done.

So…Friday, I spent some quality time with my friends Emily and Ronda in a local quilting store. Gah! I really didn’t need to know that there was a specialty fabric store that close to me. Could be seriously dangerous… I decided that I need a new bag for my new back to school adventure. (oooh! Tomorrow is pre-registration…more on that later!) Ronda loaned me a totally cute Amy Butler pattern and I got some awesome fabric.


Originally, the pink “olive” fabric was supposed to be the handle and the green was the inside, but more than halfway of cutting the green fabric I realized that I got it mixed up. It was totally a happy accident. It came out much better the other way around. Must have been my crafty subconscious.

The inside, I ended up doing some machine quilting. The first time I’ve done quilting more than a simple X on a square. I love how it turned out!


By Sunday afternoon…I was totally finished!


The flowers are from a different Amy Butler purse pattern that I just had to have. My next project is that pattern. I had a *blast* making this bag and I want to make more!! Here’s a little close-up…


Tomorrow, I am going to carry my new bag and get pre-registered for the first five classes in my new venture. I could not be happier!!

(p.s…I know I owe some of you an email. I promise I will get back to you soon! xoxo)