The time has come…


Why, you may ask, am I showing you my perma-dirty, 8 year old, tired and damaged linoleum floor? Because it is dry. Huh? Dry? Yes, dry. For the last year my freezer has been filling up with ice at the bottom and then leaking. We called it incontinent and we just kept putting a hand towel under it to keep the floor dry. Well, we finally bucked up and called the appliance man. (We’ve been putting it off because we just didn’t know how much the repair would be, and were worried that it  would not be repairable. We were *not* in a position to buy a new one.) The good news…the refrigerator was *totally* fixable!! And $80 later, our fridge is as good as new. I am so stinking happy!!!!! And why am I so happy that I used five exclamation points? WE’RE GETTING A NEW FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooohooooooooooo!!!! We are going to be doing our part to stimulate the economy and we are putting in a new hardwood floor on our entire lower floor. I am beside myself. Our house is 8 years old. That means our linoleum and carpet is 8 years old. It’s starting to look like it too. To have a brand new floor has been my dream for so long.

So, next point of business…picking the floor. We’ve been out doing our homework and shopping and looking and comparing. It is amazing how much is out there. Luckily, we have two requirements that narrow the field. We want bamboo. And we want it dark. Last weekend we stopped by Lumber Liquidators and they had an amazing dark bamboo. The manager asked if we would like a sample to take home. Uh. Yeah! Check it out…


mmmhmmm…that dark. I can’t wait!!!

7 thoughts on “The time has come…

  1. Hummmm. It all comes down to the three “R’s”
    Refrigerator, Repair it or Replace it.
    It all depends.
    $80.00 buys a lot of “DEPENDS” for an incontinent “frig”
    The dark bamboo will definitely do!
    Definitely do I say on any given day! Hooray!
    Please forgive me Dr. Seuss and bless the pygmies in New Guinea!
    Love always,
    P.S. I know nothing about Depends-Yet.

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