Laundry help

Bookkeeping first…Day 9 check, check, check. As a matter of fact… I had completed *all* of my chores, including folding and putting away the laundry, by noon. AND I almost finished (just lacking journaling) a layout by 1:30. I was smokin’ today! It felt so great!

Speaking of laundry…it’s what I want to talk about tonight. A few years ago, we realized that laundry was monopolizing our family time on the weekends. Our solution…one load a day during the week. It took us quite a while to really get used to this schedule, but now it is second nature. I built the laundry schedule into my new chore schedule and it fits in perfectly. Here’s how it all plays out…. On Monday I wash the boys’ clothes. Tuesday is adult colors. Wednesday is adult whites. Thursday is boys’ clothes again. Friday is towels and sheets (usually two/three loads, but I don’t have any other big chores that day). Wade does do a load of his work clothes on Sunday to get ready for the week. You gotta love a man who does his own laundry and ironing too! Just after Christmas, I decided that the boys needed to get in on the laundry act. I started out with the boys putting away their own laundry. The older boys have hanging clothes and dresser clothes and Benji has all of his in drawers. They were doing so well with this, we added sorting and folding about a month ago. I dump the clothes on my floor and they sort into piles of socks, unders, jammies, and ‘day clothes’. Each boy has his job.

Tyler sorts and folds the jammies…


Avery is the sock man…


Benji sorts and neatly stacks the unders…he was already done by the time I got in there to take pics, so I took a picture of him next to his folded day clothes. (He was being goofy anyway…)


Thank you for listening to my shameless Mommy brag. I am so proud of my little guys!

4 thoughts on “Laundry help

  1. that’s nice you have a laundry team. have I ever mentioned how much I hate doing laundry? my friend in calif, the one I just visited, her husband puts a load of laundry in the washer the minute he gets up in the morning. such a good idea. one of my shortcuts is that we don’t sort socks. they just get jumbled into a drawer. when you need a pair of socks, you have to find a matching pair. sometimes annoying, sometimes meditative. sock zen.

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