The crafty project I've been working on.

Is now done! (I really should be getting ready to go to class, but I just *need* to post this!)

So…for CHA, I need to take a rolling tote to gather all of the catalogs and goodies that I will be getting. I have a rolling tote, but it looks just like every other rolling tote that will be at the convention. This is what it looked like on Sunday morning before I started ‘altering’ it…


And here is what it looks like right now…all dressed up and ready for Cali!



A little fabric paint and some ingenuity…and a couple of crochet flowers from my friend, A…and it’s a brand new bag! *smile* Now, I’m off to class…

4 thoughts on “The crafty project I've been working on.

  1. Um…wow! Look at you! I’ll be the one next to you with the slightly seedy small black roller suitcase, which, if I get creative, will have a ribbon or two tied around the handle.(Can you tell I didn’t get my act together and order something fun instead of my old suitcase?)

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