Today was a lot less boring.

LOL!!! But half of it is totally not blogable. I’ll leave it for another time….

Tonight I want to talk about inspiration. I just watched a PBS American Masters show on Annie Leibovitz.  Holy cow!! The woman has lived an amazing life and been able to photograph the most amazing things and people. And instead of being intimidated by this woman and her body of work, I am completely inspired. She talked about her early years and how she would integrate herself into her surroundings and just photograph the life around her. THAT is how I want to photograph people. I want to capture real life. I think it’s going to be challenging at first. I’ve got to find my stride. I’ve got to get to that point where my camera is just another extension of my body. Watching the show solidified my desire to go back to school and really study this art. It would be good for me. It will give me something to do when the boys are all in school during the day. I have a couple of years to save up for that…I can do it! You think I could become the next Annie Leibovitz…? It’s a nice dream, anyway.

So…on to my decidedly non-Annie Leibovitz picture of the day. Wade and Tyler built a snowman in our backyard this past weekend. He was looking a little worse for the wear today, but I couldn’t resist. You can see his eyes and nose drooping a little. And the straw that they used for a smiling mouth has turned itself into a frown. Poor guy.

And a quick little page I did for an Ad Inspiration Challenge…

I am going to bed now. It is WAY past my bedtime.

One thought on “Today was a lot less boring.

  1. When you get all famous and stuff will you take my picture? 😛

    Annie Leibovitz has a recent book I keep trying to get at the library. I think her stuff will be what I really like.

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