And I was going to show you all pictures, but Wade is on the big computer tonight (I’m on the laptop) and I can’t get to my pictures. My poor cherry tree… It hasn’t dropped it’s leaves yet. So all of the wet heavy snow just drug the branches down. I went out there a few times to knock all of the snow off. It seems that it has snapped back well. I’m hoping that it loses the leaves soon.
Can I talk about websites for a minute…? What a mess. Wade has been searching for quite a while for a template for my photography website. I’m way too picky, though. I just want a nice clean, simple, personalized website. I want to use my logo. I want to use the colors that *I* want to use. So, he’s going to try to design the site from the ground up. Have I mentioned before how much I love my husband. He has put in so much work behind the scenes to make this business a success. I could not have come this far without him.
TGIF tomorrow! I promise to have pics. *smile*
How much snow did you get? I guess the boys are loving it! I’m glad I’m not there! You know I don’t like snow. Give them all a kiss for me. Only two weeks from tomorrow! When are ya’ll arriving and how long are you staying?
I love snow!!!!
If there is anything I can do to help with the website. I’m not that knowledgeable but I can play around in frontpage and get a decent result.