
This is my reality. You see those baskets? (All six of them???) They are *supposed* to be filled with toys and stacked neatly. You see the shelves? Yep, you guessed it, toys *should* be placed there in an orderly fashion. And, yes….that *is* a pumpkin in the middle of all of those toys. Tyler brought it home from his field trip to the pumpkin patch and it has been a “toy” ever since. Somebody please tell me that these boys will eventually learn that picking up their toys every day will make mommy a happier person. And that when they pick up their toys and put them away properly it will make finding their toys so much easier. There isn’t a day that goes by that someone hasn’t “lost” a toy and they come crying to me. The good thing about all this….I can laugh about it! Because I am…right now…. heehee

11 thoughts on “11-15-05

  1. Boy, I don’t miss those days at all! 🙂 But trust me, I don’t think kids ever learn to clean up their messes…..they just move it to their own room when they get to be teenagers 😉 But at least then, you can close the door & not have to look at it, lol.

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